Getting started, a healthier you
I understand it can feel intimidating to reach out to a stranger and begin a process of health and healing which is why this section explains what you need to do to book in with me and what to expect. You can also find a download at the end which is a free sample of my voice leading a relaxation.
Your first contact with me.
You can email, call or use the form at the bottom to ask me to call you. It will be helpful for me to get some sense of your problem and see whether we can work together well which our work together depends on. Therefore, all potential clients are offered a free no-obligation initial consultation after which if we agree to work together you will be sent some initial forms to fill in and maybe some preliminary work such as a journal to fill in.
The next stage is a first consultation this will allow me to assess you in person, introduce you to therapy and how I work and perhaps introduce you to hypnosis. Normally, you will gain insight from this first session from a comprehensive assessment and you will recieve a written report afterwards that summarises what was discussed, goals set, signposting to services and your treatment plan as well other resources. This first session is £125 and can last up to 90 minutes (I have reduced this cost during Coronavirus to £75).
In CBT and in hypnosis you will often be set homework so you can apply what you learn outside of session and build your awareness of the problem and you may be set some of these in your first session.
How to have a postive therapy experience
1) Therapy and in particular hypnotherapy is not a magic bullet. Are you ready to do the inner work this requires? Is this a time you can commit to practising some skills and completing other homework like journals? Are you motivated to make space for this in your life?
2) Are you self motivated? The clients I have that are most successful and that gain the most from working with me are already positively motivated and they are doing this work for them and no one else.
3) Can you afford the financial commitment required? You could be looking to invest in 20 sessions.
4) Have you done some research on the therapies and do you feel excited and willing to work with your imagination?
5) Have you check your therapist (me) out and decided you connect? Have you checked credentials and training and do you feel confident that you can be helped?
If the answer is yes to these then give me a call, send me an email or fill out the form below .
Continuing together
All hypnotherapy and stress management clients, as well as those looking for coaching will be offered a combination of hypnosis and cognitive as well as behavioural interventions. My focus is on supplying you with skills that enable you to eventually be your own therapist rather than keeping you in therapy. I work efficiently using only techniques that are supported by research.
You can expect a significantly shorter treatment time than other therapies but equally effective therapy. Treatment time is 2-20 sessions as opposed to 20+ sessions for other therapies. The only issue that could take longer is therapy for low self-esteem or where issues have been very chronic. Even if you do have long term issues my goal is still to have you leave therapy as soon as possible.
Sessions are not like traditional talk therapy, mostly they are based on you learning and practising skills and then applying what you learn outside of therapy. You will often need to practice self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques or complete other exercises that can help you feel more effective in your day to day life.